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Classic Park

Franz Josef TOP 10 Holiday Park

Guest Rating Score™

Guest Rating Score™ (GRS™) reflects this hotel's quality based on verified guest reviews from across the internet.

The GRS™ is calculated using over 100 million reviews in 40+ languages from 100+ travel sites. Powered by Reviewpro Reputation, the leader in hotel reputation management, the GRS™ provides a trusted, unbiased view of this hotel’s online reputation. Reviewpro Reputation guarantees that the data in this quality seal is accurate and up-to-date.

321 reviews

5 websites

8.4 / 10

Franz Josef TOP 10 Holiday Park is the perfect place to base yourself to experience the outstanding scenery, many attractions and exciting activities of the region.

Nestled below the breathtaking panorama of towering mountains, magnificent glaciers and lush forests, Franz Josef TOP 10 Holiday Park offers a beautifully landscaped environment and plenty of space to stay. Choose from a range of Franz Josef accommodation options which suit every style and budget. We have everything you need to explore our special part of the world.

Park Features

Dump Station

TV/Recreation Room

Communal Kitchen and Bathroom

Kids Playground


BBQ Area

Pet-friendly (T&C's Apply, Call Park Before Booking)

Jumping Pillow

Games Room

EV Chargers (T&C's Apply)

Free WiFi (5GB Per Day)

Our Accommodation

Parking caravans, campervans and motorhomes in Franz Josef Parking caravans, campervans and motorhomes in Franz Josef

A stunning location and a beautiful park. Our family of five stayed on a powered site at the Franz Josef TOP 10. We had a friendly welcome and loved our stay. Everything was so clean and tidy, with lots of room for everyone.

Levin H, January 2024

Park FAQs


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camping in franz josef
Parking caravans, campervans and motorhomes in Franz Josef
Franz Josef TOP 10

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