Join the TOP 10 Club Membership Loyalty Program
Looking to join TOP 10 Cub Membership Loyalty Program? We are as proud as punch to have you as a member of our TOP 10 Club. So proud, we reckon it’s high time we made the Club even better for you, with even more savings! You’ve always been able to get a pretty good deal on your accommodation with the TOP 10 Club with 10% off each stay.
Now, spend $2000* in your 2-year membership period, and we’ll boost you up to Silver status, giving you 12% off (up to $60 per stay). Now that’s worth crack’n a cold one.
Hang on, it gets even better than that. Spend $4000* in your 2-year membership period, and you’ll achieve Gold status, now that’s 15% off (up to $80 per stay).
We’ve also sorted out discounts and deals with hundreds of businesses around New Zealand and in Australia, so even when you’re not staying with us, you can still enjoy our TOP 10 hospitality. Sounds like the perfect time to book a getaway at one of our 47 Parks!