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Classic Park

Ōmokoroa (Tauranga) TOP 10 Holiday Park

Guest Rating Score™

Guest Rating Score™ (GRS™) reflects this hotel's quality based on verified guest reviews from across the internet.

The GRS™ is calculated using over 100 million reviews in 40+ languages from 100+ travel sites. Powered by Reviewpro Reputation, the leader in hotel reputation management, the GRS™ provides a trusted, unbiased view of this hotel’s online reputation. Reviewpro Reputation guarantees that the data in this quality seal is accurate and up-to-date.

27 reviews

1 websites

8.9 / 10

A warm welcome from Ōmokoroa TOP 10 Holiday Park. Unwind and relax in our beautiful Thermal Hot Pools.

Ōmokoroa TOP 10 Holiday Park is situated off SH 2 between Tauranga and Katikati, with an easy commute to Tauranga, Mount Maunganui, Waihi Beach, Hamilton, Rotorua, and Auckland.  Located on the peninsula of Ōmokoroa, the harbour is ideal for all water sports and fishing. There is also an 18-hole golf course and cycling and walking tracks nearby. On the waterfront is an all-tide boat ramp, a large children’s park, a boat club and a restaurant.

Our Omokoroa camping ground offers its own playground and exquisite hot pools that are naturally heated and luxurious with minerals and heat to soak in.

We have superb accommodations to suit most holidaymakers

The peninsula has a series of walkways and cycle tracks around it. Bird viewing is particularly good from the walkways around Omokoroa Holiday Park. The walkways are also great for a leisurely stroll, with some lovely seating dotted around to rest and take in the beautiful views.

A popular walk starts at the Domain and heads up into the Gerald Crapp Historic Reserve all the way around the peninsula to Bramley Drive. You will enjoy stunning views of the harbour. The walk takes about 40 minutes one way.

Ōmokoroa has its own 18-hole easy-walk golf course right on the water’s edge.

The New Village shopping area, combined with the existing shops, offers a good range of food outlets. Enjoy a meal at one of the peninsula’s restaurants and cafés or pick up fish and chips to enjoy as the sun sets on the water.

Bring your bikes and cycle all the way to Tauranga. If that's a little far, then a lovely choice is to cycle from our Omokoroa Holiday Park to Plummers Point. Stop there and enjoy the views out over the harbour. Remember to take some water as there is nowhere to get water on the track.

Park Features

Thermal Hot Pools

Kids Playground

TV/Recreation Room

BBQ Area

Games Room

Dump Station

Recreational Gear Hire

Communal Kitchen and Bathroom

Fish Cleaning Facilities


Pet-friendly (T&C's Apply, Call Park Before Booking)

Free WiFi (5GB Per Day)

Our Accommodation

Omokoroa TOP 10 Facilities Omokoroa TOP 10 Facilities

A boutique holiday park. Beautifully kept, loads of flowers throughout the park. Cute caravan replica in the playground. Communal dining area in great condition (super shiny stainless steel!!). Our unit was really comfy, and spacious. Blackout curtains/ blinds a really good point!

Carol T, January 2024

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