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Classic Park

Paihia TOP 10 Holiday Park

Guest Rating Score™

Guest Rating Score™ (GRS™) reflects this hotel's quality based on verified guest reviews from across the internet.

The GRS™ is calculated using over 100 million reviews in 40+ languages from 100+ travel sites. Powered by Reviewpro Reputation, the leader in hotel reputation management, the GRS™ provides a trusted, unbiased view of this hotel’s online reputation. Reviewpro Reputation guarantees that the data in this quality seal is accurate and up-to-date.

275 reviews

2 websites

8.8 / 10

Stay at our tranquil Paihia waterfront accommodation and campground and explore the wonders of the Bay of Islands and Northland from our conveniently located holiday park.

Visit Northland, make Paihia TOP 10 Holiday Park your base of operations, and choose from our wide range of affordable accommodation options. Stay with us and enjoy access to the multitude of exceptional Bay of Islands activities and attractions that sit right on your doorstep, all within easy travel distance of the park. Relax in our scenic waterside setting, enjoy our quality facilities, and let our friendly staff help you create the perfect Paihia holiday.

Park Features

Dump Station

TV/Recreation Room

Communal Kitchen and Bathroom

Kids Playground


BBQ Area

No Pets Please

Swimming Pool

Fish Cleaning Facilities


Tour Booking Desk

Kayak Hire

Our Accommodation

Paihia TOP 10 Facilities Paihia TOP 10 Facilities

Staff were incredible, helpful and friendly! The park is set in a beautiful natural position great for hiking and swimming. Kids enjoy the pool. Wi-Fi, kitchen, media room this park has everything you need!

Jai C, February 2024

Park FAQs


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Camping in Paihia activities
Camping in Paihia

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