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Superior Park

Kauri Coast TOP 10 Holiday Park

Guest Rating Score™

Guest Rating Score™ (GRS™) reflects this hotel's quality based on verified guest reviews from across the internet.

The GRS™ is calculated using over 100 million reviews in 40+ languages from 100+ travel sites. Powered by Reviewpro Reputation, the leader in hotel reputation management, the GRS™ provides a trusted, unbiased view of this hotel’s online reputation. Reviewpro Reputation guarantees that the data in this quality seal is accurate and up-to-date.

128 reviews

2 websites

9.1 / 10

Kauri Coast TOP 10 Holiday Park is Northland's premier west coast Holiday Park and is set on two idyllic hectares of parkland, surrounded by native bush with river boundaries on two sides. This is the perfect Northland-Dargaville accommodation base from which to enjoy the magnificent Kauri Coast. 

There are many great ways to spend a day in our piece of paradise. Swim in our swimming holes or play basketball, petanque or table tennis, with free hire on all sporting equipment. There is a well-equipped playground for children of all ages, and a flying fox for those who like a bit of excitement. Stroll around the stunning grounds or learn about our beautiful native setting by following our Nature Trail. Visit the nearby Trounson Kauri Park, take a short drive to the Kai Iwi Lakes or head north to the mighty Waipoua Forest and the Hokianga Harbour. At the end of the day, you can enjoy our fantastic covered outdoor kitchen, BBQ areas or great indoor cooking facilities. At night, listen for the sound of the kiwi. Hire a Self-Guided Kiwi Pack and try your luck finding a kiwi - limited packs available.

Kauri Coast TOP 10 Holiday Park is the ideal weekend getaway, stop-off point on your tour of Northland or relaxing holiday destination. The drive north from Auckland takes 2.5 hours and the town of Dargaville is only a 25min drive away.  

Getting to Kauri Coast TOP 10 Holiday Park

From the South
Follow SH 12 for 30km north of Dargaville. Pass Kaihu, 1km past the Kaihu Tavern turn right, signed Trounson Kauri Park. The park is 2.4km on a sealed road.

From the North
After Waipoua Forest Visitors Centre travel on SH 12 for another 20kms. Do not take first turn signed 'Trounson Kauri Park onto a non-sealed road. Come down Kaihu Hill and turn hard left into Trounson Park Road - Road signed Trounson Kauri Park. The park is 2.4km on a sealed road. If you reach the Kaihu Tavern, you have missed the turn off and will need to turn round and retrace your route by 1km.

Park Features

Dump Station

TV/Recreation Room

Communal Kitchen and Bathroom

Kids Playground


BBQ Area


Free WiFi (2GB Per Day)

Recreational Gear Hire


Our Accommodation

River Camping New Zealand River Camping New Zealand

Loved our holiday at Kauri Coast TOP 10. The swimming hole and tubing was so much fun and also refreshing in hot weather. The eels were awesome, never seen so many! Did the night time kiwi walk and actually saw a kiwi living in the wild. Stayed in ensuite cabin which was clean and tidy. The local pub was great, good pub meals, family friendly. Highly recommend.

Jenny M, January 2024

Park FAQs


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