TOP 10 Camping Grounds and Holiday Parks Auckland

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The Guest Rating Score™ (GRS™) is an independent assessment of this hotel's quality rating based upon consumer reviews from around the internet. Analyzing more than 100 million consumer reviews in 40 languages from more than 100 leading online travel agencies and review sites.

Provided by ReviewPro the leading provider of online reputation management analytics for the hotel sector, the GRS™ offers a complete and unbiased measurement of this hotel's online reputation.

Guest Rating Score


The Guest Rating Score™ (GRS™) is an independent assessment of this hotel's quality rating based upon consumer reviews from around the internet. Analyzing more than 100 million consumer reviews in 40 languages from more than 100 leading online travel agencies and review sites.

Provided by ReviewPro the leading provider of online reputation management analytics for the hotel sector, the GRS™ offers a complete and unbiased measurement of this hotel's online reputation.

Guest Rating Score
Red Beach TOP 10 Holiday Park caravan park Red Beach TOP 10 Holiday Park caravan park

Extremely nice campsite with top notch facilities. Showers very nice and clean. Camping area beautiful and close to the beach.

Steindor Sigurgeirsson
Auckland Skyline
Orere Point TOP 10 Holiday Park Camping
Orere Point TOP 10 Holiday Park Caravan Park
cabins and motels in Auckland
Orere Point Park Facilities
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Couple at milford sound Couple at milford sound